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Behind the Scenes at American Poultry Company, Inc
NEEL GIBSON: EXITING PRIVATE EQUITY FOR THE FARM BROKERAGE Today's real estate brokers sell all types of real estate; houses, land,...

Catching and Farming Broilers, the Family Business
Broilers can be hard work, but for the Dinglers it's a family tradition Chicken cacciatore could be the centerpiece of a lovely romantic...

Poultry Farmer Spotlight, Winter 2021 Issue
Getting new neighbors & retirement! "Sometimes buyers are more than just buyers." For many people, retirement after decades of hard work...

Banking Agriculture, Going Back to My Roots
After almost 20 years in healthcare, a single dinner conversation started Marcy Hubbs in an unlikely occupation, agricultural lending.

Poultry Farmer Spotlight, Fall 2021 Issue
Leaving Orlando for the Poultry Farming Life. “We don’t want to be rich,” Yeni explains. “We just want to have more time for our kids.

Lowering Your Farm's Costs, Solar has Arrived for Poultry Farming
Increased efficiency in solar, falling prices in battery capacity, and the rising cost of electricity. Now is the time to invest in solar.

"When the barn alarm failed, we set out to build something better."
When the barn alarm failed, we set out to build something better. Hansen's, CEO of Barntools, journey to build a barn alarm that just works.

Water Purification, The next arms race in poultry farming feed conversions
A new and disruptive technology may soon be available for the broiler poultry industry that will reduce cost of production while at the...

Poultry Farmer Spotlight, Spring 2021 Issue
It has been said that if you do something you love, it won’t ever seem like work. Howard Hammons is the living embodiment of that...

Ask the Experts: What's My Poultry Farm Worth?
What's My Poultry Farm Worth? When you understand how to use the financial and market data, the farm's value can be easily calculated.
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